about the humour...
5H is composed of talented comedians who bring their own flair and unique style to each show. Our alumni have gone on to work in comedy, or work comedy into their 9-to-5s. Take a look around and tell us what you think (unless you want to be mean, in which case, direct all complaints to @redhotpokeryale on Instagram).
Everyone Has Four, We Have Five.
The Legend of the Five Humours
According to ancient Greek mythology, the human body is composed of Four Humours: Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Phlegm, and Blood.
But this legend leaves out the most important humour of all:
The Fifth Humour.
Here in 5H, we know that the ability to laugh and make laugh is about as important as Blood and even Black Bile (whatever the hell that is).
Our members aren't regular people with four humours. We're 5H, with five.
AAAAAND, 5H was the first sketch comedy group and FIFTH comedy group to join Yale's campus. When we began in 1994, there were already four improv groups on campus. Making us the fifth comedic limb in the heart of the Elm City.